Scullery - a small room near the kitchen used for cleaning dishes, culinary utensils, and vegetables Ensconced - 1) Shelter, Conceal 2) To settle snugly or securely Cynical - one who attributes all actions to selfish motive Paddock - a usually enclosed area for pasturing or exercising animals Daintily - 1) Pleasing to the taste 2) delicately pretty 3) Fastidious Vivacious - Lively in temper or conduct Persuasive - to move by argument or entreaty to a belief or course of action Maltreating - to treat cruelly or roughly Reign - the authority or rule of a sovereign Reins - a line of a bridle by which a rider or driver directs an animal Tramps - to walk, tread, or step heavily Indefatigable - untiring Manipulation - to treat or operate manually or mechanically especially with skill Maxim - a proverbial saying Weaned - to accustom Smithies - a smith's workshop Perpetually - continuing forever Ignominious - 1) dishonourable 2) despicable 3) Humiliating Sentimentality - marked by, governed by, or resulting from feeling, sensibility or emotional idealism rather than reason Impromptu - made or done on or as if on the spur of the moment Pretext - a purpose stated or assumed to cloak the real intention Blithely - 1) Happily, lighthearted 2) Marked by a lack of a serious concern Canvassing - To examine in detail Procure - to get possession of Sordid - Filthy, Dirty Disinterred - 1) To take from the grave or the tomb 2) Unearth Reverent - expressing honour and respect mixed with awe Governess - a woman who teaches and trains a child Reconciled - to cause to be friendly or harmonious again Perpendicularity - standing at right angle to the plane of the horizon Cryptic - meant to be puzzling or mysterious Thwart - baffle Coccidiosis - A contagious intestinal disease of domestic and wild animals, especially birds, rarely in human, caused by a member of an order of sporozoans living as parasites in the intestines Decreed - command Countenance - (noun) the human face as an indicator of mood or character 2) Sanction Slunk - to move stealthily or furtively Flogged - lash: to beat severely with a rod or whip Beatifically - giving or indicative of great joy or bliss Flimsy - lacking strength or substance Wistful - full of longing and unfulfilled desire Pencilled - to paint, draw, or write with a pencil Baying - to bark with deep long tone Solemn - marked by or observed with full religious ceremony (Formal) Amentation - to mourn aloud Tureen - deep bowl from which food (as soup) are served at table Precincts - District Linseed - the seeds of flax yield linseed oil Gill - a unit of capacity equal to four fluidounce Brutes - beast Demeanor - conduct, bearing Knacker - a person whose job is to kill old and useless horses Rheumy - a watery discharge from the mucous membranes especially of the eyes or the nose Superannuated - 1) to make, declare or prove obsolete or out of date 2) to retire and pension because of age or infirmity Milling - to process in a mill Nuzzling - to root around, push, or touch with or as if with the nose Deputation - 1) the act of appointing a deputy 2) delegation Accord - (noun) agreement, harmony (verb) Grant, concede Proprietors - owner Witticism - a witty saying or phrase Clink - to make or cause to make a sharp short metallic sound Malignant - injurious, malign